Transforming precision medicine and diagnostics with virtual biomarkers
Biomarker detection is vital to the development of precision medicines.
of the world's population will be diagnosed with cancer
of which will be treated with precision medicine
of precision medicine relies on biomarker identification
ViewsML harnesses the power of AI for virtual diagnostics, discovering deeper insights and enabling better patient outcomes
Receiving biomarker results from a diagnostic lab can take weeks.
Interpretation of results can vary by up to 30% between pathologists.
Manual IHC
ViewsML uses deep learning to eliminate manual staining, delivering virtual results in seconds at a fraction of the cost, all the while fitting into existing workflows.
Virtual IHC
Any Biomarker.
Any Therapeutic Area.
Any Species.
Preclinical Research
Discovery, toxicity and safety studies
Translational Research
Spatial biology insights of rare tissues with virtual multiplexing
Clinical Research
Better patient selection, increase patient enrollment efficiency
Virtual Diagnostics Assays
Patient stratification, triaging, and companion diagnostics
Contract Research Organizations
Improve project turnaround times, provide richer data sets
Any Biomarker.
Any Therapeutic Area.
Any Species.
Preclinical Research
Discovery, toxicity and safety studies
Translational Research
Spatial biology insights of rare tissues with virtual multiplexing
Clinical Research
Better patient selection, increase patient enrollment efficiency
Virtual Diagnostics Assays
Patient stratification, triaging, and companion diagnostics
Contract Research Organizations
Improve project turnaround times, provide richer data sets
Advantages of Virtual Staining
Easily integrated into preclinical & clinical workflows
Eliminates time and cost constraints associated with traditional IHC and IF
Multiplexing allows for greater biomarker characterization
Preserves scarce tissue samples
Consistent and reproducible immunostaining, every time
May be trained to any biomarker across any disease type and species