Image showing virtual multiplexing of various biomarkers in tissue all being expressed at the same time.

About Us

ViewsML is transforming spatial biology for translational research and precision medicine using AI deep learning. By virtualizing immunohistochemistry (IHC) and biomarkers - and thus bypassing this wet lab process - we give researchers back 100% of their IHC time, 50% of their budget and richer data sets.

Meet Our Team

Kenneth To, PhD, MBA

Chief Executive Officer
Serial entrepreneur, expertise in medical affairs, marketing, and product management. ElI Lilly & Co., Stemcell Technologies, Wax-it Histology Services ( co-founder).

Keith Jalbert, BBA

Chief Commercial Officer
Sales strategy, execution, previously responsible for growing $300M business to $1.6B across 120 sales representatives. Synnex, Baxter, Novartis.

Christopher Jackson, MD, MEng

Chief Scientific Officer
Co-inventor of virtual IHC technology, clinical pathologist, and AI computer scientist. Massachusetts General Hospital, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.

George Hennen, MBA, CISM

Chief Technology Officer
R&D strategy, product development, cybersecurity, AI. Cisco, GE Healthcare, NASA.

Rafay Azhar, MBBS, FRCPath(UK)

Medical Director
20+ years anatomical pathologist, digital pathology. University of Ottawa, Singapore General Hospital, Freeman Hospital Newcastle.